More New Nuts and Bolts

June 28th, 2014 § 2 comments

Back in June, 2010, I installed software that made reading this blog easier on handheld devices like iPhones and Android phones. I’ve been doing some upgrading of the guts that make this blog work, and added improvements in how this blog appears on handheld devices. I’ve tested it on an iPhone, but I don’t have an Android phone handy. Let me know how it looks!


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§ 2 Responses to More New Nuts and Bolts"

  • Matthew says:

    I would like to ask whether testosterone level or testicular trauma has some impact on semen’s pH .

    Thank you in advance for answering me.

    • maledoc says:

      A low testosterone (perhaps due to testicular trauma, but that would be very uncommon,) may lead to shrinking of the prostate which could cause changes in the semen pH. However, it could be due to other causes. A man concerned about his testosterone level, if he had trauma, and the semen pH should really see a doctor 🙂